Make Your Golf Cart Lighter and Faster


The average speed of the standard golf cart goes a measly (and maximum) 15 mph. So getting from one hole to the next can be a very slow process. But, there are a few ways that you can make your cart lighter and so also faster. Many companies sell different […]

What Does Your Golf Bag Say About You?


Golf style, like any other personal way of doing things, always contains some degree of subjectivity and endless variation. However, as someone who studies the game profusely and has a pretty good sense of style (at least I like to think so) and basic human/golf nature, I’ve come to certain […]

Top Colleges With Women’s Golf Programs


The highest-rated golf colleges for women were UCLA, Southern California, North Caroline, Pepperdine, Duke, Wake Forest, Georgia, Rollins, Stanford and Vanderbilt. Duke had a 85.845 rating compared to UCLA with a 85.612 rating, barely edging them out for number one. Rollins College was the only Division II college named in […]

Golf is called a Gentleman’s Game for Good Reason


Golf has long been known as a gentleman’s sport. This sport even has its very own rules of etiquette. Despite the common assumption that these rules of golf etiquette are all about maintaining the gentlemanly state of the game for the most part, they each have practical purposes. The general […]

Where to Find Cheap Golf Club Sets?


Where to find cheap golf club sets is a question that most people ask who are new to the game of golf. There is a misconception about golf, in that golf is perceived as an expensive sport when in the majority of cases it is not. Like all sports, golf […]

Simple Tips to Care For Your Indoor Golf Simulator


Now that you have made the investment in a golf simulator for your home or business, you’ll need to maintain it so looks and performs like new. Your manufacturer will have the proper recommendations for their systems, and you should always follow the directions per their instructions. Each simulator on […]

Treating Golf Injuries With Chiropractic Treatment


Compared to other sports, golf may seem like one that is not as physically demanding with only a minimal chance of sustaining injuries. There may not be a lot of running, falling, being tackled or breath-holding but golf does cause a considerable amount of wear and tear especially on the […]